Frequently Asked Questions
Accreditation, Fees, Classes Offered, Uniforms, Intent to homeschool, christian beliefs, homeschool
Are you accredited?
HIGH SCHOOL tutorial classes meet accreditation requirements, but that the tutorial classes nor their home study program will be accredited unless they enroll in Trinity Center for Independent Study. This is not required for Elementary-Middle School. If you choose to have your classes accredited by trinity center there will be an additional cost to do that and will be billed to you by Trinity Center of Independent study.
You can find more information on Trinity Center HERE or under the trinity center tab above.
How much does it cost for my child to attend your program?
The cost of attending Hearts Academy totally depends on your needs. Each class is A La Carte meaning you can choose as many classes or the least amount of classes that you want. You can find a estimated cost of our pricing
HERE. Of course the total cost will depend on what you sign up for.
If I choose to go to Hearts Academy does that mean I'm Homeschooled?
Yes, If you sign up to take classes at Hearts Academy you will be responsible to fill out an intent to homeschool form. You can fill that out HERE. You are considered the primary home educator, the classes you take at hearts are tutorial courses taught by our qualified tutors. We provide the syllabus, books, and teaching for the course two days a week. The other days of the week your child will be at home doing the work provided by the tutor. You will oversee the child to make sure he or she is completing the work.
Are you a christian school?
Yes, We are a christian organization. If you would like to see our statement of faith you can view that HERE.
Hearts Academy does have a uniform policy – Students will be required to wear THD/Hearts Academy T-shirts and sweatshirts. Students NOT wearing THD/Hearts Academy of Excellence attire will be given a new one and a minimum of $20.00 will be charged to the Parent’s account. Uniforms can be purchased at registration. Shorts must be of modest length, just above the knee. All pants must fit properly above the waist. No tears in jeans above the knee. Sweat pants, yoga pants, and elastic waist shorts are not acceptable. NO hats, caps, or other head covering is allowed at school. We ask that you dress modestly and neatly for classes and field trips of Hearts Academy Of Excellence. Coats, sweatshirts, and hoodies other than uniforms must be removed. No gang-like apparel such as bandanas. Parent agrees that if their student comes to school without their uniform that they will be issued a new one and that the parent’s account will be invoiced at a minimum cost of $20 per offense. Hoodies and jackets that are not uniform hoodies and jackets must be removed while student is in the building.
Do you have uniforms at Hearts Academy?
What classes do you offer?
We offer classes starting in Preschool and then Kindergarten-12th grade. You can see the schedule of classes we offer HERE. Preschool-6th Grade come on Mondays and Wednesdays. 7th-12th grade come on T/TH.
Do you offer individual tutoring?
We do offer individual customized tutoring. This is on a first come first serve basis and if our tutors have the availability. We also offer Alternate day tutoring for our current students to have a tutor supervised work environment on the off days when they would usually be doing the work at home. This would incur additional fees. You can find the cost of all of our fees HERE.
If my children don't attend your school but we homeschool can I attend your events?
Yes, all of our events including, field trips, dances, and even sports can be attended if you're a homeschool student. You do not have to attend our school. See our UPCOMING EVENTS link to sign up for events.